"The beginning of this class is the heaviest, work-wise," boldly stated Prof. Mumford.
Sitting in the second row of my ECON 325, "Entrepreneurship: Principles and Practice," I took a deep breath. If the beginning of this class required the most work, I was ready, or so I thought. In general, I am a hard-working person, and periodically, I am also a bit of a perfectionist. I have learned through years of experience in my family's arts and craft room that art is fluid and nothing creative I work on will be 'perfect.' However, I have only recently realized that reality applies to graphic design as well.
As our first big assignment in ECON 325, Prof. Mumford walked us through building our own personal website from scratch. Sure, there were a few shortcuts I could have taken, but the creative side of me would not allow it and I did indeed start with a blank template.
After spending many many hours just on the website layout, I had a lightbulb moment; the graphic design of my website was not much different than my childhood arts and craft room projects. I cut my loses and began to be less picky about the exact placement of each icon and using the correct shade of grey for the different symbols. Now do not get me wrong, those details are still important for the overall look, but they are easy final touches and do not need to be amazing right off the bat.
Once I had finished the general layout, color scheme, and included all the vital information, then I began to play with the details and accepted through the process that everything did not have to be 'perfect.' I, in a way, got my design priorities straight.
I am always learning, adapting, and growing, and through the process of building my personal website, I did just that. Thanks for reading and if you're interested, check out my website here: https://nyahprizzuti.wixsite.com/personalwebsite
Source: https://www.wix.com/blog/creative/2018/09/best-website-designs/